Young Plants Availability Our Brokers Resources Perennials Knox Horticulture provides a wide selection of Perennials. Seed Annuals Knox Horticulture produces a wide variety of Seed Annuals, taking advantage of our climate-controlled germination rooms and the high light and ideal temperatures Central Florida provides. Vegetative Annuals Knox Horticulture produces an extensive variety of Vegetative Annuals, including a wide range of bedding plants and Geraniums, Garden Mums, and Poinsettias. Foliage & Houseplants Knox Horticulture's Foliage & Houseplants program meets three distinct market needs: landscape foliage for Florida, standard houseplants for all growers, and "premium" items for specialty IGCs. Geraniums Knox Horticulture has an extensive line of Geranium varieties. Ferns Knox Horticulture uses tissue culture material from Vitro Plus, the world's Fern leader, to produce over 5 million fern liners per year. Garden Mums Knox Horticulture produces a range of Garden Mums from Gediflora, Dümmen Orange and Syngenta. Poinsettias Knox Horticulture offers rooted cuttings of all cultivars from all Poinsettia breeders for both Stock Plant production as well as Summer Plant production. Full Product Listing A list of most of the items we grow.